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Integration Documents

Getting Started with a Pilot

During the pilot, we want to minimize the technical lift so can prove value quickly. Post-pilot, we will evaluate the results together and align on continuing the partnership

Pilot onboarding consists of three key technical steps, most of which can be accomplished directly from our Onboarding portal

Set up a dedicated sub-domain

Before the pilot, we will align on a subdomain that will send conversational emails from. This process ensures that your customers feel as though these messages are coming from a representative of your brand, while taking the appropriate steps to ensure optimal deliverability.

In Step 1 of our Onboarding portal, you will be prompted to enter your preferred sub-domain so we can send emails from your AI Brand Ambassador. We recommend keeping it as the default.

Once you click Submit, your DNS records will be generated and a member of the team will follow up with you to add the records to your hosting provider's DNS management.

Once the records are adding, let know and we will validate that the records were added correctly.

Once confirmed, the proper permissions are in place for to send emails on behalf of your brand.

Upload your customer list

During the Pilot kickoff, we will discuss the segment we initially want to target for the pilot. typically suggests starting with lapsed customers to create the least friction with your brand's current marketing program.

Once the segment is defined, on Step 2 of our Onboarding portal, you will be able to download a sample template, populate the data and upload your customer file to our secure upload portal. This data is then ingested by and used as the initial segment to target for the Pilot.


Below is a recommendation for how to retrieve a lapsed customer from your CRM

  • All emails who are mailable, opted-in or not unsubscribed
  • Who have made at least one purchase with your brand
  • That have not made a purchase in the last 2-3 purchase cycles

 To ensure a cohesive user experience, we recommend suppressing these contacts from your normal marketing sends.

Connect your store is compatible with the following platforms:

For Shopify or BigCommerce stores, you can download the app using the links above.

For custom stores, follow the instructions on installing the tracking script.


Once you have completed the above steps, your contact at will follow up with you to validate that the steps were completed accurately. From there, we will proceed with the strategic portion of the Pilot.