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GMV customer comparison

retail success

How a Leading Brand Grew LTV by 307% with a VIP Subscription Powered by

1 in 8

customers subscribed
at a $79 annual fee


of repeat sales made
using rewards


more purchases made
by subscribers

The Challenge

A top retail brand came to with a growing problem: high customer acquisition costs.

Since the team worked hard to drive traffic and win customers, they had been discussing a measurable way to increase LTV to offset their ever increasing CACs. 

The Solution

The brand used’s platform to turn regular customers into subscribers.’s seamless BigCommerce integration allowed them to quickly deploy a branded, native-feeling experience for their VIP customers within weeks.

This paid off – the program increased LTV by giving unprecedented value to its most loyal customers while at the same time creating a community of thousands of loyal subscribers to secure steady, incremental sales.


The Results

​​The results were even better than expected: one in eight customers decided to subscribe for an annual fee of $79.

In addition to the membership revenue, the brand also saw a 243% increase in sales by subscribers, with 60% of these purchases using VIP rewards earned in previous orders.

The simple redemption process was a hit, leading to a strong conversion rate and 30-day retention. 

The User Experience

On the order confirmation page, customers are presented with an offer to subscribe, for which they earn 10% back on the completed purchase, future orders, and a dynamic signup bonus based on’s customer profitability forecast.

The Takeaway

With, the brand unlocked a high-margin recurring revenue stream and built a loyal customer community that made repeat purchases and helped generate a seven-figure loyalty revenue annually.

Learn more about how to boost customer loyalty, improve customer satisfaction, drive repeat purchases, increase basket size and minimize your CAC with


Use our ROI Calculator to estimate the impact of transforming your customers into highly engaged revenue driving loyalty members integrates easily with 


Are you ready to boost your e-commerce performance with the power of a paid loyalty program?

Contact us today to learn more about how can boost customer loyalty, improve customer satisfaction, drive repeat purchases, increase basket size and minimize your CAC.