
Email vs SMS Marketing: A Guide for Ecommerce Brands

Written by Asad Rehman | Mar 20, 2024 2:00:35 PM



In ecommerce, the fight to capture and retain customer attention is constantly evolving. Among a plethora of marketing strategies, email marketing and SMS marketing both stand out as vital tools for building lasting relationships with customers.

Both methods offer unique avenues for ecommerce brands to communicate directly with their audience, enhance customer lifetime value (LTV), and drive sustainable growth. However, choosing the right channel (or the optimal blend of both) requires a deep understanding of each method's strengths, limitations, and the specific needs of your customer base.

Email marketing, with its content versatility and extensive reach, offers a platform for detailed storytelling and brand-building over time. It allows for deep segmentation and personalized communication, nurturing leads and customers with tailored messages that resonate with their needs, interests or moments in the lifecycle. On the other hand, SMS marketing promises immediacy and high engagement rates, cutting through the digital noise to deliver concise, impactful messages directly to a customer's most personal device - their phone.

This article dives into the intricacies of email vs SMS marketing for ecommerce brands, comparing their effectiveness in engaging customers, driving sales and maximizing LTV. Through this comparison, we aim to equip ecommerce operators with the resources and knowledge needed to make informed decisions on leveraging email and SMS marketing to foster customer loyalty and get a step ahead of competition.

Email Marketing for Ecommerce

Email marketing remains a pillar in every successful ecommerce brand's digital strategy. Its strength lies in its ability to deliver personalized, content-rich messages directly to the inboxes of a segmented audience, fostering a deep connection that drives both immediate sales and long-term loyalty.

Versatile Content Delivery

Email allows for the incorporation of various content forms, from text and images to videos and interactive elements, enabling brands to craft compelling narratives that showcase their products and values. This versatility makes it an ideal platform for storytelling, educating customers, launching new products, or sharing behind-the-scenes content that adds depth to the brand-customer relationship.

Advanced Segmentation and Personalization

With email marketing tools like Klaviyo or, ecommerce operators can deeply segment their customer base, creating highly targeted email campaigns. Segmentation can be based on purchase history, browsing behavior, engagement levels, customer lifetime value (LTV), and even predictive modeling to forecast future purchase behavior.

Post segmented personalization extends beyond using the customer's name, it encompasses tailored product recommendations, personalized discounts, and content that reflects the customer's journey with the brand.

Analytics and Optimization

Email marketing platforms provide detailed analytics, offering insights into open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and segment specific performance. This data is valuable for iterating and optimizing campaigns, allowing brands to refine their approach based on actual customer behavior and feedback. A/B testing, for example, can help determine the most effective subject lines, content formats, or sending times, ensuring that every email sent contributes to increasing LTV.

Challenges / Considerations

Despite its strengths, email marketing in an ecommerce context, comes with its set of challenges. The increasing volume of emails consumers receive daily can lead to inbox fatigue, making it harder for your message to stand out. Moreover, strict email regulations like GDPR require careful handling of customer data and consent, adding a layer of complexity to campaign management.

For ecommerce brands operating at a large scale, integrating advanced email marketing strategies into their digital ecosystem and tech stack is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. By leveraging email's capabilities for rich content delivery, personalized engagement, and detailed analytics, brands can cultivate a loyal customer base that contributes significantly to sustained growth and profitability.

SMS Marketing for Ecommerce

SMS is lesser used yet still widely adopted supplement to email marketing and an effective source of revenue and quality customer interactions for ecommerce brands, offering immediacy and directness unmatched by any other marketing channel. SMS provides an opportunity to cut through the inbox clutter and engage customers on their most personal devices - their smartphones, with a notification that is read 98% of the time on average.

Immediacy and High Open Rates

SMS's most significant advantage lies in its ability to deliver messages instantly, with open rates that far surpass those of email marketing (an average of 98%). This immediacy makes SMS an excellent tool for time-sensitive offers, coupons or cashback reminders, flash sales or critical updates that require immediate attention.

Conciseness and Clarity

Unlike email, SMS requires messages to be short and to the point, which can be a filter for only allowing clear, concise communication. This constraint forces brands to strip their messages down to their essence, ensuring that the value proposition is immediately apparent to the recipient.

Enhanced Personalization Opportunities

While SMS doesn't allow for the rich media content of email, it excels in personalization. Tools like enable ecommerce brands to hyper-personalize messages based on the recipient's previous interactions, purchase history, and even geographic location, making each message feel truly tailored and relevant.

Challenges / Considerations

Despite its advantages, SMS marketing must be approached with sensitivity. The personal nature of text messaging means that customers may perceive unsolicited or frequent messages as intrusive. Furthermore, SMS campaigns must comply with regulations like TCPA in the US, requiring express consent from recipients before sending marketing messages.

For ecommerce brands, the key to leveraging SMS effectively lies in its integration with other marketing efforts. SMS can serve as an immediate touchpoint for cart abandonment recovery efforts, order updates, or VIP customer alerts, complementing the broader narrative built through email marketing and other channels.

Email vs. SMS Marketing

When it comes to direct marketing strategies for ecommerce brands, email and SMS stand as two pillars with distinct advantages, challenges, and applications. A deeper dive into these channels reveals insights for brands that are working on enhancing customer engagement, drive sales, and optimize lifetime value (LTV).

Engagement and Open Rates:

Email Marketing offers substantial engagement opportunities through rich, detailed content. However, its open rates typically hover around 20-30%, influenced by factors like subject line quality and sender reputation.

SMS Marketing boasts nearly unbeatable open rates of around 98%, thanks to the immediacy and personal nature of text messages. The simplicity of SMS ensures that messages are not only opened but read quickly, offering a direct line to customer attention.

Ease of Building Lists

Email Opt-ins are traditionally easier to accumulate over various touchpoints, including website sign-ups, purchases, and promotional events. The challenge lies in maintaining list quality and ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR.

SMS Opt-ins require a more deliberate consent process, often through a double opt-in mechanism, which can make list building slower. However, the quality of an SMS list tends to be higher, with subscribers who are more engaged and likely to convert.

Content and Personalization

Email excels in delivering comprehensive content that can include images, links, and longer text, allowing for a deeper brand story and product explanation. Personalization through email can be highly sophisticated, using customer data to segment audiences and tailor messages extensively.

SMS, constrained by character limits, focuses on concise, impactful messages. Personalization is more straightforward but can be highly effective when messages are targeted based on behaviors, preferences, or customer milestones.

Cost-effectiveness and ROI

Email Marketing is known for its cost-effectiveness, offering a high ROI as it allows brands to reach a large audience at a relatively low cost. The scalability of email makes it a staple for ecommerce brands of all sizes.

SMS Marketing often comes with higher direct costs due to messaging fees. However, its high open and conversion rates can result in a favorable ROI, especially for targeted campaigns where immediacy and direct action are crucial.

Customer Preference and Accessibility

Email is a universally accepted form of communication, with most consumers used to receiving brand communications this way. Its non-intrusive nature allows customers to engage with content at their convenience.

SMS is preferred for its immediacy and convenience, especially by younger demographics. It's best used for urgent communications, order updates, or exclusive offers that encourage quick action

Regulatory Considerations

Both channels are regulated, with email subject to laws like CAN-SPAM in the US and GDPR in Europe, which dictate consent and unsubscribe options.

SMS marketing faces similar regulations, with added layers like TCPA in the US, requiring explicit consent and clear opt-out mechanisms.

Actionable Insights

1. Balance the use of both channels based on your marketing objectives, audience preferences, and content type. Consider the strengths of each medium - use email for storytelling and detailed content, and SMS for immediate calls to action and urgent updates.

2. Invest in building quality lists for both channels, focusing on engaged subscribers who have opted in explicitly. Use clear and compelling incentives for sign-ups and maintain transparency about the type of content subscribers will receive.

Tools like can help here by driving TCPA compliant SMS opt-ins through hyper-personalized email marketing.

3. Continuously test and refine your strategies based on performance data and customer feedback. A/B testing for email subject lines and SMS message content can reveal valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior.


Navigating, adopting and efficiently utilizing the email and SMS marketing landscape is essential for ecommerce brands aiming to enhance customer engagement and loyalty. The strategic use of email allows for deep storytelling and personalized communication, fostering long-term relationships. Meanwhile, SMS excels in delivering immediate, attention-grabbing messages, perfect for driving quick actions.

Success in these channels hinges on understanding their unique advantages and how they align with your brand's objectives. By focusing on building consent-based, engaged lists and tailoring content to meet customer preferences, brands can effectively leverage both email and SMS to boost customer lifetime value (LTV).

In the constantly changing and competitive ecommerce landscape, staying adaptable, continuously optimizing based on insights and prioritizing the customer experience will guide brands towards sustained growth. Whether separately or in tandem, email and SMS marketing are powerful tools to connect with your audience and propel your brand forward.